Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Design*Sponge Interview with Peter Hocking

A couple of weeks ago, Peter was interviewed on behalf of New Urban Arts by the editors at Design Sponge.

The guest blog article was published over the long weekend:


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Jobs at Riverzedge

RiverzEdge Arts Project (Woonsocket) seeks:

Landscape Design Project Supervisor
and Mural Project Supervisor

Start Date: 6/22/2009 (temporary summer positions)

Must have BA or BFA. Ideal for recent graduates in Landscape Architecture and Painting.

For more information, contact the Office at 401-427-6906.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Year of Providence Initiative

Last Wednesday, a group of RISD staff, faculty and administrators gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the Nelson Mandela: Honoring His Legacy initiative.

2008-2009 marked the first attempt to build a cross-campus dialogue around a specific theme, working with students, faculty and staff to integrate these conversations into the classroom and extracurricular activities. A full report of the activities contained within the initiative can be accessed here, including the Free Food 4 Thought dinners (with creative cuisine by RISD Catering), cross-programming with Foundation Studies, English Department, the RISD Film Series, Brown's John Nicolas Brown Center for Public Humanities, and more.

At the closing reception on Wednesday, the co-sponsors of the Nelson Mandela Initiative, the Office of International Programs, the Office of Multicultural Affairs and RISD | Public Engagement announced the launch of the 2009-2010 initiative: The Year Of Providence. This year-long acknowledgement of place and concept will kick off next September with an exhibition of Latino(a) artists at the Ewing House. Featuring work by three RISD students, three RISD faculty and 3 local artists, this exhibition encapsulates the spirit of the initiative, to connect RISD to the rich diversity of the larger Providence community, giving voice to lesser known histories of this city and its residents.

To find out how to get involved in this initiative, feel free to contact RISD | Public Engagement over the summer at 401-427-6906.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Manifesto Project - Photos

Micaelan Davis ( MFA ‘09 FURN)
In the envelope: I have never been one for concluding statements; even my physical work resists being neatly summed up. I see each piece as a moment in time, a specimen of work performed and ideas made real, a stop on the continuum of its evolution. I look at each piece and see the next step I would take or the next piece I would design. I am a gray thinker who longs for the black and white. I use knowledge and facts to get me a little closer to the truth, whatever that may be. When the answers don't make sense I am intrigued. I am interested in the connections between things, why we behave like we do.

Currently on view in the RISD Public Engagement Gallery: The Manifesto Project

Artwork by 11 RISD grad students from the Furniture, Textiles and Jewelry + Metalsmithing departments explore their personal creed as they pertain to being makers of thing

Here are some photos from the exhibition which will be up through Friday May 15th:

Sooyeon Kim (MFA ’10 J&M)

installation view
(l-r) Peter Hedstrom (MFA ’10 FURN), Mary Gagne (MFA ‘10 TX), Erin Scully (MFA ’10 J&M)
Martin Goebel (MFA ’10 FURN)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Final Hearing on Public Art Today!

More encouraging opinions in today's ProJo editorial section.

Tuesday, May 12th
2:30pm, State House (Senate Lounge on the 2nd Floor)

Today is your final opportunity to have your voice be heard at a public hearing on
potential changes to the state's public art funding. The Senate will vote on future
public art allotments next week.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tuesday, May 12 at RISD | Public Engagement

The Manifesto Project: A one evening exhibition of 11 RISD grad students’ work for the seminar Contemporary Production Practices
Tuesday, May 12 from 6-8pm in the CIT Building, 2nd floor

Instructor: Liz Collins
Students: Micaelan Davis
(MFA ‘09 FURN), Debra Folz (MFA ’10 FURN), Mary Gagne (MFA ‘10 TX), Martin Goebel (MFA ’10 FURN), Phillip Grass (MFA ’10 FURN), Peter Hedstrom (MFA ’10 FURN), Minwon Kim (MFA ’10 J&M), Sooyeon Kim (MFA ’10 J&M), Antonio Manaigo (MFA ’10 FURN), Matthew Perez (MFA ’10 GLASS), Erin Scully (MFA ’10 J&M)

Come see this diverse representation of ideas concerning the creative process of 11 brilliant artists and designers from RISD’s graduate program. In addition to showing the fruits of this exciting project, they class will be celebrating the end of the course and would love to have a drink with you!

Project description:
We seek to define ourselves within the world of art, design and production. This exhibition is a means of establishing that footing. The manifestos that will be presented will explore our personal creed as they pertain to being makers of things.

Course Description for Contemporary Production Practices:
In this course, we examine the multitude of models for the manufacturing of goods, from products to projects. What is the relationship between the designer/artist and the factory? What defines a factory and what constitutes an "industrial process?" How do things get made? Who makes them? These are some of the questions that guide us through the complex world of small to high volume production of consumer goods and the global marketplace. We also look at artists who manufacture and examples of creative projects where making multiples through outsourcing of labor is the means by which large pieces, collections, editions, and bodies of work are realized. Each week we focus on a particular aspect of manufacturing and production, with lectures by the instructor and guests, discussions, student research presentations, and field trips. Topics such as the designer/technician relationship, global trade, the supply chain, and the artist as laborer are touchstones for our in-depth conversations and study of this multifaceted concept. Alongside of weekly readings, written work and research, students are asked to develop a component of their studio work that addresses the idea of a manufactured object.

Upcoming Events - Week of May 11th

Friday, May 8, 2009

Project Open Door on ProJo video

A nice feature on the Providence Journal website about the artists at RISD's Project Open Door...


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

President Maeda Plugs for Public Art

I just got back from testifying at the Senate Hearing for revisions to the state's 1% for Art program. In my testimony, I made reference to the letter written by President Maeda and presented to the committee by Liz Keithline of RISCA. Little did I know that most people had already read the letter in today's Providence Journal!

You too can read the letter here.

My main points were pretty simple:
1) Public art is perhaps the most accessible form of contemporary art. In a era of budget cuts in the schools and after-school programs, it is important that public art exist to enliven our shared landscapes.
2) While few of our RISD faculty or students (or community artists for that matter) have the expertise to navigate the world of permits, insurance, and six-figure budgets necessary to execute these large scale public artworks, RISD offers an ideal pool of candidates for smaller scale temporary work. Often emerging artists grow into full sized public art works only after getting their feet wet working on smaller-scale, performance or installation based, projects. So direct some portion of that 1% towards these works!
3) Open up opportunities for RISD students and classes to learn first-hand about the public art selection process by sitting in on these convenings. The participation of RISD faculty on a more permanent selection panel would be invaluable in terms of curating a truly innovation public art program for the state.
4) As taken from Janet Zweig's letter of support - In the Providence Journal article dated April 23rd, 2009, titled "Can Rhode Island still afford to pay for public art?" the first sentence states that "Over two decades, Rhode island has spent nearly 3 million dollars on public art..." While 3 million dollars sounds like a lot of money, by this calculus, Rhode Island has spent $150,000 per year on public art. This is far below the national standard, even when the state's size is considered.

The committee meets for its final public testimony hearing on May 12th @ 2:30.

All in all it was a good day up on the hill for art in Providence.

Monday, May 4, 2009

AmeriCorps*VISTA Position at RISD | Public Engagement

Applications due June 1st

RISD | Public Engagement seeks candidates for an AmeriCorps*VISTA position that will run from 30 July 2009 to 29 July 2010. This AmeriCorps*VISTA position is sponsored through the Rhode Island Campus Compact and will be placed at Rhode Island School of Design. The VISTA member will work closely with the director of RISD | Public Engagement to advance the strategic goals of the Office.

Specific VISTA Responsibilities:

• Developing communication about public engagement across the College;
• Communicating with community agencies about RISD | Public Engagement’s existing work;
• Working with the director to communicate public engagement opportunities through existing student and academic services offices;
• Assisting with the development of content for the Office’s web site;
• Coordinating a weekly electronic newsletter for the office;

Community Outreach
• Building our database of community partners;
• Working with potential community partners to assess opportunities for collaboration;
• Meeting with community agencies to determine how RISD can support existing services and establish new long-term partnerships;

Academic Support
• Assisting with the development of our service-learning initiative;
• Coordinating information for faculty about service-learning resources;
• Coordinating meeting of RISD’s faculty forum on service learning;
• Assisting the development of new community-arts/design programs and coordinating existing partnerships;
• Supporting students and academic departments in the development of new, on-going initiatives;

Extracurricular Support
• Assisting the development of our campus sustainability initiative;
• Coordinating events open to students and faculty that promote community involvement;
• Advising students about possible service programs;
• Assisting the director to coordinate service programs;

• Familiarity with community-based art and design programs;
• Familiarity with a four-year undergraduate institution;
• Strong organizational skills;
• Ability to communicate across difference and with a diverse set of constituents; a commitment to supporting inclusive learning environments and workplaces;
• BA degree

Questions and Application
Please direct questions and inquiries about the position to Peter Hocking, Director of RISD | Public Engagement – phocking@g.risd.edu or 401-413-0275. A formal application can be submitted at: www.compact.org/ricompact/vista/join.php

About AmeriCorps*VISTA

AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) is one of several full time national service programs. VISTA members who are interested in developing lasting solutions to the problems of poverty in America serve in nonprofit organizations and agencies to develop and expand services, strengthen programs and empower low-income individuals. For more information about the program, please visit the RI Campus Compact web site.

About RISD | Public Engagement
The Office of Public Engagement works with faculty, students, alumni, and community partners to connect art, design and scholarship with the public good. Reflecting the values of the College, RISD | Public Engagement believes that public participation is a central concern of a college education. Recognition of one's social responsibility and one's ability to affect public issues is intrinsic to understanding one's role in a democratic society and key to addressing the most pressing questions that face us -- locally nationally and internationally. For more information about us, visit our web site.