Once again, Respond|Design has pulled together a timely and compelling series of conversations about the intersection between art/design and sustainability both globally as well as here on the RISD campus!
David Orr is Professor and Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College. He is perhaps best known for his pioneering work on environmental literacy in higher education and his recent work in ecological design. Orr is the author of four books: The Last Refuge: The Corruption of Patriotism in the Age of Terror (Island Press, 2004); The Nature of Design (Oxford, 2002); Earth in Mind (Island, 1994); and Ecological Literacy (SUNY, 1992). For a full bio, you can check him out here: http://www.davidworr.com/

This week's events include:
Thursday, April 23
11:30am - 1:00pm BEB* room 106
Urban Eden Conversation:
Professor Anne Tate will present her sabbatical work. Come join in the speculation on the future of our sustainable city.
Panelists include:
Damien White, sociologist
Charlie Cannon, landscape architecture
Lili Herman, landscape architecture
+ more...
6:30pm - 8:00pm Metcalf Audiotrium**
David Orr: Down to the Wire:
The activist-educator joins RISD to discuss how sustainability intersects art and design in an age of climate change.
Friday, April 24
11:30am - 1:00pm BEB* room 106
Curricular Change: A Dialogue on Sustainability at RISD:
Panelist will include:
Liz Collins, Textiles
Dennis Congdon, Painting
Peter Hocking, Public Engagement
William Miller, Painting
Robert O'Neal, Industrial Design
Colgate Searle, Landscape Architecture
Damian White, Sociology
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